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LINK UTILI EFFICIENCY Regular Season - Daily EFF - Lista Ruoli - Tabella FA/RFA - Tabella Tagli - Tabella Rinnovi EFF - Tabella Rinnovi +20% - Tabella FA/RFA LY


Commissione & Commissioners


>>>Tabella Rinnovi EFF<<<

>>>LISTA RUOLI SEASON 2024/25<<<

  • 1 Settembre ore 00.00 - Fase Rilascio Giocatori Non in NBA - Mercato Aperto
    1 Settembre ore 00.00 - Apertura Injury List - Mercato Aperto
    9 Settembre ore 00.00 - Fase Conferma Rookies - Mercato Aperto
    9 Settembre ore 00.00 - Fase Dichiarazione RFA - Mercato Aperto
    30 Settembre 23.59 - Chiusura Fase Rinnovi Contrattuali e Chiusura Fase Conferma Rookies, Chiusura Fase Dichiarazione RFA
    1 Ottobre ore 10.00 - Apertura Fase Aste RFA e FA - Mercato APERTO
    19 Ottobre ore 18.00 - Chiusura Preventiva Consegna Formazione 1^ Giornata RS (Regolamento 3.4.)
    21 Ottobre ore 18.00 - Chiusura Consegna Formazione Prima Giornata RS

Rules of the Game - International Turet Association ENG

Moderatori: Fifty24, paul_lewis_nox, MichaelBryant, Dany Guerrero

Avatar utente
Messaggi: 495
Iscritto il: 11/09/2017, 19:24
Località: Londra

Rules of the Game - International Turet Association ENG

Messaggio da Fifty24 »


The teams face each other every scheduled day. The schedule is made before the season start. Every championship day, the teams must deploy 10 players each from the ones under contract, divide among 4 guards, 4 forwards and 2 centers: this is called the “in-field roster”.

The team result is the sum of the Efficiency from the best 2 guards, the best 2 forwards and the best center or the in-field roster.
The team at home is awarded a 7-point bonus.
If there are not enough players to fulfill the terms (2 guards, 2 forwards, and 1 center), every single absence is calculated as 0 points.
The team with the higher sum of efficiency is the winner of the game.


The game is based on a statistic called EFFICIENCY, created by Martin Manley and easily reported on every major NBA stats website.

This is how it works
EFF = [points + rebounds + assists + blocks + steals – turnovers – missed shot]

Where “missed shot” is the sum of every shot that is not a basket, no matter if 2-pointer, 3-pointer o free throws. So, basically:

EFF= [PTS + REB+ AST + BLK + STL – To – Missed FG – Missed FT)

The EFF is the amount of points of the player for the game.


IN-FIELD ROSTER for Gameday 33:

B. Beal (EFF = 33)
E. Fournier (EFF = 18)
J. Harris (EFF = -3)
D. Brooks (EFF = 5)

J. Collins (EFF = 31)
D. Favors (EFF = 19)
E. Paschall (EFF = 0)
O. Anunoby (EFF = 11)

J. Embiid (EFF = 17)
D. Powell (EFF = 7)

Beal and Fournier are the best guards according to efficiency
Collins and Favors are the best forwards according to efficiency
Embiid is the best Center according to efficiency

Total points scored by the team:
Beal (33) + Fournier (18) + Collins (31) + Favors (19) + Embiid (17)= 118

If the result pulls out a draw, there will be overtime (OT). In the OT the best of the non-calculated players (no matter the position) will be added to the sum for each team (Sixth Man). If there’s still a draw, the second-best of the non-calculated players (no matter the position) will be added, and so on till a winner comes out. If there’s still a draw after involving every 10 players of the in-field roster, the away team will win the game.
If the team did not present the in-field roster, the last in-field roster submitted will be automatically considered valid.

The roster is composed of all the players under a guaranteed contract. Each team can have 15 players with a guaranteed contract at most. The total amount of the annual salary of every single player on the roster cannot exceed the 120 mln cap.


Each team must be composed of a minimum of 10 players, including 4 guards [GUARDIE], 4 wings [ALI], and 2 Centers [CENTRI].
For using a player, the team has to sign him with a guaranteed contract.

A guaranteed contract consists of an annual salary and a term, expressed on an annual basis, within which the compensation must be paid. The duration ranges from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 3 years, while there are no limits regarding the salary.

To form its own roster, each GM has an annual salary of 120 mln. This means that the sum of the annual salary of the players on their roster must never exceed the 120 mln salary cap.


Our FantaNBA League is made by 16 teams.
The teams are divided into 2 Conferences of 8 franchises each.
Each Conference is divided into 2 Divisions of 4 franchises each.

As per the NBA, each season comprehends the Regular Season(RS) and Play-Offs(PO).

At the end of the RS, the first team in each Division is awarded the Divison Championship.
The top 4 teams from each Conference will advance to the PO.
The bottom 4 teams from each Conference will enter the Lottery in the order based on their season record.


At the end of the RS, the PO will be held with the League Championship of the FantaNBA on the line.
The bracket will be composed in this way: the 1st of each Conference will face the 4th of his Conference, the 2nd of each Conference will face the 3rd of his Conference. The 4 winners of this semifinal series will face each other, still against the other team of his Conference. The winner of each Conference Finals will face the other Conference Finals winner in the FantaNBA Finals.

The PO is the best of 7 matches in every round: the team with the best score will play the first 2 games and possible game-5 at home (Series: 2-2-1).


Is always possible to sign or trade players, except for:
1)From the Trade Deadline until the end of PO.
2)During the RFA phase.
No exception. Every GM must avoid Salary Cap (no negative balance) or Roster (too many or too few players, for each position) problems.

Trade must be announced in the appropriate section of the League by the GM of the franchises involved, and shared on the FB page as well. All the players, Draft picks, teams and destinations must be clearly specified.
The players involved in a trade can be used by the destination franchise starting from the game day after the confirmation of every GM involved. Trades must not exceed the Salary Cap and the roster slot limits.

The salary cap and roster number limits can be temporarily broken only on one occasion: the GM must make adjustments to settle things up at the moment of the trade announcement (by picking up a FA or cutting players from the roster); if not the trade will be cancelled. It's well accepted even if not compulsory to describe with a little comment the decision behind the concluded trade.

The trade is official only with the confirmation of every team’s GM involved (within a 48-hour time limit).
A Commissioner can review a trade if it is considered “suspected” and, if something is not clear, can ask for an official review from the Commission (formed by the 3 Commissioners). The Commission must decide on the trade.

3.2 CUTS

Each team can cut 3 players per season.
A player can be cut without being counted if doesn’t have an NBA contract anymore.
Cuts are allowed only during the 5.1 periods (Phases & Periods).
Cut bring the player cut from the roster to the Cut List.
A cut player contract is still valid, partially, for the whole duration and must be considered with other contracts in the salary cap.

The impact of a cut player contract is the following:
70% in the first year;
50% in the second year;
30% in the third year.
Rounded down to the nearest whole (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) or rounded up to the nearest whole (5, 6, 7, 8, 9).

Ex. I cut Jokic 4x3 contract
In the first year his contract takes 3 from my salary cap (70% of 4 = 2.8 rounded to 3);
The second year takes 2 from my salary cap (50% of 4 = 2);
The third year takes 1 from my salary cap (30% of 4 = 1.2 rounded 1).

An exception is for the 1 mln contract (1xN):
1x1 takes 0;
1x2 takes 1 in the first year, 0 in the second;
1x2 takes 1 in the first year, 1 in the second, and 0 in the third.
This makes it important to choose wisely and it’s a solution to emulate the buyout in real NBA contracts.

A cut player is effectively a FA and every other team can try to sign him as any other FA. If a cut player sings for another team, the old team is still forced to pay as explained before.

If a cut player is re-signed by the same team before the contract expires, the two contracts will be summed up. This can avoid an agreement between two GMs to reduce a player’s contract.

A cut player can not get back to his old team in the same season as the cut.

Commissioners of the League must update the Cut List of every team, year by year.


It’s allowed in the terms to offer a guaranteed contract to free players, called Free Agent (FA).
To sign a FA it’s necessary to have less than 15 players on the roster and credit availability.

Only between the RFA phase and the first RS game will we be allowed to have more than 15 players under contract. Save then bring the roster back to 15 players before the first lineup.

The GM has to inform about the offer in the apposite section of the League, as well as to share the link in the FB page, then he has to do it by opening a post with this title:

“FA – the name of the player” (ex. FA – Tim Duncan).

Inside the post, he must insert the opening offer for the auction, with salary and duration (es. 5x3).
3 years duration at most and the contract must go under these rules:
From 1 to 14 mln the contract can be x1, x2, or x3;
From 15 to 29 mln the contract can x2 or x3;
From 30 mln or more, the contract can x3 only.

From the moment the auction begins, everyone can counter-offer following this Table rules (for both FA and RFA): http://www.fantanba.net/rosters/Varie/RFA2.htm
Placing the same offer twice is not allowed (ex. 3x3 countered by 4x2 can’t be countered by 3x3 even if it’s possible without breaking the Table’s rules).
Offers must be placed in the same section and a GM can counter-offer how many times he desires.
Only teams with less than 15 players and with enough Salary Cap can place an offer or a counter.
48 hours after the last offer (hours and minutes count, not seconds), the auction is over and the player is considered signed with the team with the best offer.

If at the end of the RS an FA auction is still open, the auction will continue till a resolution and the player cannot be employed in the PO till his sign.



Players with no NBA Contract cannot be signed, nor FA or rookie way.
A team can cancel the contract of a player, with cut and buyout count not considered only for players starting the season with an NBA contract and:
1) Retired;
2) Transferred to another league;
3) NBA Contract ended with a team’s option.
It’s possible to free those players only:
1) During the RS till the Trade Deadline;
2) During Off-Season in the “Release Phase”.

If the player is in the in-field roster at the release moment, another player must replace him before the next game start; if not a 0 will be counted as EFF.

The release can be made before the real release from the NBA franchise. Players sent to D-League can’t be considered released because they still have an NBA Contract.
For the players transferred to another League, GM can use the Kleiza Exception (see below) to hold rights on them.


If a player with a guaranteed contract (x1, x2, or x3) left the NBA to play elsewhere, the Franchise who got the contract can cut him off but with a “priority claim”.

The Franchise will:
1)Be 100% free from the salary;
2)Have back the slot for the roster;
3)Have the right to take back in his roster the player, when and if the player comes back to the NBA. The contract will be the same as the one he had when released. The franchise has 14 days to do it after the note by the Commission;
4)If the franchise won’t take back the player when and if he returns to the NBA, the player will be FA. Anyone, including the former team, could present an offer and sign the player as a FA;
5)It’s forbidden to sold or trade the rights on a player;
6)If the player returns to the NBA after the deadline, the player will be eventually reinstated at the end of the season.


The FantaNBA Draft will be placed after the NBA Draft. In the FantaDraft every franchise can select a player from the ones selected in the real NBA Draft.

The order is decided with the FantaLottery (see 4.5.1)

Following the order, every GM has 24 hours to pick up a choice. If he didn’t pick up a choice, the next GM in line can make a call from the Draft.
A GM that missed his call has till the end of the following GM’s turn to make it; if not, he will automatically lose his right to pick.
With a pick at the FantaDraft, a Team got the rights to sign a rookie with a guaranteed contract.

The rookies selected will be signed after the Draft, in a separate phase (Commission kicks it off). There will be an expiration date to sign the rookies or not. If there’s no sign or a clear release of the rights, the rookie will become a FA.

The contract is based on the pick number:

Pick 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4° year
1 7x2 7x1 9x2 9x1
2 - 3 6x2 6x1 8x2 8x1
4 - 5 5x2 5x1 6x2 6x1
6 - 1 4x2 4x1 5x2 5x1
11 - 20 3x2 3x1 4x2 4x1
21 - 30 2x2 2x1 3x2 3x1
31 - 40 1x2 1x1 2x2 2x1

The third and fourth years are considered Team Option (TO) so to use the extension (or not) is a GM choice. There’ll be an expiration date during the off-season to do it. With no extension or no choice, the player will be automatically released (he becomes a FA) and all the rights relinquished.


FantaLottery is a process that allows the GMs to receive the draft picks, in the same way as the NBA works. Generally, the standings of the previous Regular Season define the draft order.

The first 8 teams with the worst record will be associated with the same 8 NBA teams with the worst record. The results of the NBA Lottery will define the order of the draft in our league, UNTIL the eighth pick. Since then, the draft will follow the usual order of the Standings.

The FANTALOTTERY system is valid only for the first round of picks. For the second round, the order will follow the Standings record from the bottom to the top.


The Contracts Renewal phase starts at the beginning of the off-season (after the last playoff game) until the RFA session. For 3rd-year Rookie, contracts refer to the 4.7 paragraph.

Every team can renew an UNLIMITED number of contracts BUT the contract value MUST BE x0 or x1 (at the moment of the phase). Rookie-Scale Players ARE NOT renewed this way. For the Rookies, we follow the Rookie Scale[3.7].


The value of the new contract is based on the PLAYER EFFICIENCY parameter of the LAST REGULAR SEASON OF NBA as shown in TAB1 (see below). The mandatory duration value of the new contracts is shown in TAB2.

SECTIONS______________________________VALUE OF THE CONTRACT
Section 1: EFF<10 --------------------------------- EFF*0.6
Section 2: 10=<EFF<14 -------------------------- EFF*0.7
Section 3: 14=<EFF<17 -------------------------- EFF*0.8
Section 4: 17=<EFF<20 -------------------------- EFF*0.9
Section 5: 20=<EFF<23 -------------------------- EFF*1.0
Section 6: 23=<EFF<26 -------------------------- EFF*1.1
Section 7: EFF=>26 ------------------------------- EFF*1.2

Contract 1-14 (million per year) -> x1 or x2 or x3 (duration)
Contract 15-29 (million per year) -> x2 or x3 (duration)
Contract >29 (million per year) -> x3 (duration)

The renewal cost for players with NO ROOKIE CONTRACT is equal to the higher value between
1) EFF*TAX (as shown in TAB1)
2) Expired contract value INCREASED by 1/3 (example: 24 million per year becomes 32 million per year)
Unlike rookies, new contracts for these players CANNOT BE LOWER than the previous one.

For renewal of players with less than 25 matches in the last NBA regular season, IT MUST BE CONSIDERED THE EFFICIENCY PARAMETER OF THE PREVIOUS SEASON.

A player that has played =<10 games in the last season with a previous contract length of 2 years.
The GM can renew him making the average of the two last seasons EFFs x his weight coefficient without discount

This clause overtakes the others, and the renewal can be for only 1 year more.

For the renewal of Rookies, players refer to the EFFICIENCY*TAX (tab1) but new contracts for these players can be lower than the previous ones (unlike not rookie players).

Anthony Bennet has a 10x0 contract. At the end of the rookie scale, the cost of the renewal/new contract is 4x1 (or x2 or x3) because his EFFICIENCY PARAMETER (6.6) multiplied by his section of reference (Section 1, so 0.6) is 4.

K. Irving has a 12x0 contract. At the end of the rookie scale, the cost of the renewal is 20x3 because his EFFICIENCY PARAMETER (20.0) multiplied by his section of reference (Section 5 so 1.0) is 20.

For the categories of players shown below, it must be considered one section lower (for example Section 3 becomes Section 2) when renewing a contract. NOT COMBINABLE.
-Players that played between 25 and 30 matches in the last season
-Players that played less than 70 matches in the last two season
-Players with 35 or more years (refer to stats/nba.com)

Renewal Examples
L. James has a 45x0 contract. The new contract cost is 60x3 because its EFFICIENCY PARAMETER (25,3) multiplied by his section (section 6 so 1.1) is LOWER than the 1/3 of the actual contract (as shown before in not-rookie scale players).

K. Durant has a 12x0 contract. The new contract cost is 28x3 because its efficiency parameter multiplied by his section (section 6 so 1.1) is HIGHER than 1/3 of the previous contract BUT because Durant played less than 27 games in the last season, the value of the contract MUST BE CONSIDER a lower section (section 5) and so contract value is 26x3.


The EFFICIENCY PARAMETER of the regular seasons is available at: http://www.hoopsstats.com/basketball/fa ... /1/eff/7-1

ROUNDING takes place on the contract value NOT on EFFICIENCY. Rounding down if the decimal figure is less than 5, and vice versa if it's equal to or greater than 5.

To make easier the calculation there is an application called “CALCOLATORE CONTRATTI” available at: http://fantanba.org/joomla/index.php?op ... Rinnovi%22


For the two-role player, the general manager can change the role during the renewal (and also later, in the proper session). Check out the list of the roles on the site for the correct position (LISTA RUOLI).

Note from the commissioners: To sum up, first, you have to look if the player you want to renew comes from a rookie scale contract or not. If it’s a rookie scale contract, use the Tab1. That defines the value of the new contract (efficiency multiplied by tax) and finds out the proper section. If the player does not come from a rookie contract, you must check the higher value between the Tab1 and the contract of the player increased by 1/3. Check tab 2 for the mandatory duration of the new contracts and then find out if you can make a renewal at a lower cost, taking a look at the SECTIONS LOWERING paragraph.


3.6.1 - Sign&Trade

Players with expired contracts (x0) can be traded at the start of the off-season (after the last playoff game) until the beginning of the RFA session. These players can be traded ONLY IF THE NEW TEAM RENEWS THE CONTRACT once acquired the player. In other words, the player MUST be renewed by the new team (and not by the previous team). It's NOT ALLOWED TO DECLARE THE PLAYER AS RFA OR TRADE BEFORE THE SIGN.

3.7 – Rookie Contracts Renewal

Rookie players' contracts can be renewed at the end of their second season.
The value of the new contract must follow the proper tab (rookie-scale) that shows the contract value during the years [contact the commissioners for this tab].

If the player is not renewed, he becomes FA.

Rookie players are eligible for this renewal ONLY if they’re acquired via FantaDraft.
Rookie players acquired via FA cannot benefit from this renewal.
If a rookie is NOT renewed in this session, the general manager LOSES the chance to renew the contract as a rookie later. In this phase, a manager can renew as many rookie contracts as he wants.


At the start of the off-season, players in the last year of the contract become Free Agents (FA). Every team can declare any FA as any RFA (restricted free agent) BUT the team MUST have less than 15 players on the roster and cannot overcome 20 players (effective contracts + RFA). There is a proper session for declaring the RFAs, that takes place BEFORE the auction for the RFAs. During this session, the transfer market is open, players with an x0 contract can be traded and it’s possible to change the declared RFAs anytime. When this session ends, players not declared RFA becomes FA.

When the auction for the RFA takes place, every team can make offers for those players except for the team that declared the player RFA (the original team). The team that declared the player as RFA can equalize the max offer at the end of the auction (see below for detailed rules).


After declaring which players are RFA, the auctions will start. General managers interested in the players declared as RFA, must have less than 15 players on their rosters. Also, to make an offer for the player, the manager needs to have a free slot/spot on the roster. Irregular auctions will be cancelled.

The general manager cannot make offers for his declared RFA players.

The offers MUST follow the proper tab (http://www.fantanba.net/rosters/Varie/RFA2.htm). Even if the tab allows it, it's FORBIDDEN to make the same offer (for example 3x3 with a 4x2).

After 24 hours from the last offer, the auction is closed and the player is temporarily allocated to the manager who made the best offer.

RFAs can be signed at a minimum salary (1 million per year) and for a maximum of three years. The salary cap should be properly checked before making an offer.

After the allocation of the player, the original team can TIE or not the offer (see below) for the player, within 24 hours from the end of the auction.

-Contracts from 1 million to 14 million (per year)
If the same offer is made by the original general manager, the player is allocated to the original team.
IF NO OFFERS ARE MADE FOR THE RFA AT ALL he is treated as a normal Free Agent.

-Contracts from 15 to 29 million (per year)
The offer made must be compared with 1/3 of the original contract value. If the offer is equal or higher than 1/3 of the contract value, the player remains in the original team. If the offer is lower or there are no offers at all, the new contract must be 1/3 of the previous value, with the same duration as the max offer made.

• First example
1) Dampier 20x0 contract
2) offers are made
3a) The max offer is 4x3 BUT 1/3 of 20 is 6. So, to keep the player, the offer must be 6x3.
3b) The max offer is 13x2 (13>6). So, to keep the player, the offer must be 13x2 (or 13x3).
• Second example
No offers at all -> Same as 3a

-Contracts over 29 million (per year)
The offer must be compared with half of the contract value. If the offer is equal or higher, the player remains in the original team. If the offer is lower (or there are no offers at all), the player remains in the original team with a contract value of half of the (previous) contract.

• First example:
1) McGrady 50x0 contract
2) offers are made
3a) The max offer is 21x3 BUT ½ of 50 is 25, SO to keep the player, the offer must be 25x3
3b) The max offer is 35x2 (35>25). So, to keep the player, the offer must be 35x2 (or 35x3)
• Second example
No offers at all -> Same as 3°



TWO-ROLE PLAYERS: The GM that keeps or gains the player can choose between the two roles.

1-14 (million per year): mandatory duration of the contract -> x1, x2, x3
15-29 (million per year): mandatory duration of the contract -> x2, x3
29 (million per year): mandatory duration of the contract -> x3


Role Change Session is open from July to the start of the regular season. In this phase, the general manager can change the role of the players in his roster (there’s no limitation in the number, not like in the regular season) and of the player acquired via trade. There is a proper topic in the forum.

The new role/role change MUST be certified with the reference link (see in the note).

During the regular season, only 3 role changes are allowed.
During the playoff, only 2 role changes are allowed.

Players cannot be the traded-back in the original team in a different role.

NOTE from the Commissioners: There is a proper topic in the forum for the role change (FINESTRA CAMBIO RUOLO). On the forum main page, there is a LISTA RUOLI link (http://fantanba.org/rosters/Varie/RUOLI.htm). This is a list of all the player's roles. If a player in your roster has 2 roles, like Evan Fournier that is both GUARD and FOREWORD you can switch his role in the role change session. Remember to put the reference link (http://fantanba.org/rosters/Varie/RUOLI.htm) when posting in the proper topic


A long-term injured player, "out for the season" on at least 2 websites:
or called so by a team’s official communication, can be put in the INJURY LIST

This move will allow to:
- Restore a roster slot (the one of the injured player)
- Regain 50% of the contract.
Players can be put on the injury list from 1st September of every season to the end of the regular season transfer market.
The player CANNOT be traded and cannot be used IF he comes back earlier from the injury, until next season.
(Example: Channing Frye 4x3, is "out for the season", the general manager decided to put him on Injury List, he restores a slot and continues to pay the 50% of the contract, so 2 million. In the next season Channing Frye will be available again on the roster with a 4x2 contract).

NOTE from the Commissioners: to put a player on the injury list, there is a proper topic in the forum. You need to post on this topic your intention to put the player on the injury list (for example “I put Channing Frye on the Injury List”) THAN you have to report the reference link of one of the two websites (listed before) where the player is said to be out for the season. You can also put in the injury list players that are not out of the season but come back AFTER the regular season.

4.3 - G-LEAGUE

It was created to give the opportunity to grow the talents taken in the Draft, increasing the chances of a steal and increasing the value of future picks in trades.

Each GM will be able to keep a maximum of three players coming exclusively from the Draft and insert them in the G-League (Two-Way Contract), where they can have a maximum duration within the first rookie scale contract expiration (2 years). Once the contract expires, the player must be renewed and added to the roster (always following the rules of the Rookie scale) or he must be released.

Every season all teams will have to declare their G-League players (maximum 3). If they exceed this number with G-League eligible players, they will have to decide which players will be eligible and which ones will become regular contract players (always on the rookie scale), losing their G-League eligibility.

If during the Season the G-League player will be added to the roster, the criteria of any free agent purchase must be met, i.e. financial availability and roster space.

In the case of a trade, it will be necessary to communicate where you want to place the player, whether on the roster or in the G-League. The player may only be placed in the G-League of the new team if there is a slot available. Otherwise, he must be placed on the main roster, or a slot in the G-League must be freed at the same time by promoting another player to the roster. The player promoted to the roster, be it the one who arrives by trade or the one who is promoted from the G-League, will lose his G-League eligibility status.

For a move to the Roster from the G-League and vice versa, there will be no limit during the Regular Season, while if you want to use the player during the Playoffs, you will have to make the move to the Roster before the Playoffs start and it will last until the end of the season.

4.3.1 - Two Way Contract

The Two-Way Contract will automatically be associated with the player in the G-League and mirrors the actual NBA contract situation, where the player has the opportunity to train and play in the G-League and play for the Nba team when necessary.

The value of each contract depends on the order selection at the draft (see 3.5)
Owner of the Los London Locos - [Lega 13]
Owner of the London Drunk Redcoats - [ITA League]

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